# -*- tcl -*-
# yaml.test:  tests for the yaml library.
# Copyright (c) 2008 by KATO Kanryu <kanryu6@users.sourceforge.net>
# All rights reserved.

if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} {
    # single test
    set selfrun 1
#    lappend auto_path [pwd]
    set auto_path [linsert $auto_path 0 [pwd]]
    package require tcltest
    namespace import ::tcltest::*
    puts [package require yaml]

} else {
    # all.tcl
    source [file join \
        [file dirname [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]]] \
        devtools testutilities.tcl]

    testsNeedTcl     8.5
    testsNeedTcltest 2

    support {
	use      json/json.tcl json
        useLocal huddle.tcl    huddle
    testing {
        useLocal yaml.tcl yaml
proc dictsort2 {dict {pattern d}} {
    set cur  [lindex $pattern 0]
    set subs [lrange $pattern 1 end]
    foreach {tag sw} $cur break
    set out {}
    if {$sw ne ""} {array set msubs $sw}
    if {$tag eq "l"} { ; # list
        set i 0
        foreach {node} $dict {
            set subs1 $subs
            if {$sw ne "" && [info exists msubs($i)]} {
                set subs1 $msubs($i)
            if {$subs1 ne ""} {
                set node [dictsort2 $node $subs1]
            lappend out $node
            incr i
        return $out
    if {$tag eq "d"} { ; # dict
        array set map $dict
        foreach key [lsort [array names map]] {
            set node $map($key)
            set subs1 $subs
            if {$sw ne "" && [info exists msubs($key)]} {
                set subs1 $msubs($key)
            if {$subs1 ne ""} {
                set node [dictsort2 $node $subs1]
            lappend out $key $node
        return $out

# ------------

test yaml-21.0.06eef112da {ticket 06eef112da} -body {
    yaml::yaml2dict -file [asset 06eef112da.data]
} -result {{} {} {alpha 43 beta {houston {{}} newyork {{{} aaa}}}}}

# ------------
# error  .....

test yaml-1.1 "error" -body {
    set error1 {
- [name        , \{hr: avg \[\hr: avg\} \] ]
    set code [catch {yaml::yaml2dict $error1} msg]
    concat $code $msg
} -result [concat 1 line(3): $::yaml::errors(MAPEND_NOT_IN_MAP)]

test yaml-1.2 "error" -body {
    set error2 {
- [name        , \[hr: avg \{\hr: avg\] \} ]
    set code [catch {yaml::yaml2dict $error2} msg]
    concat $code $msg
} -result [concat 1 line(3): $::yaml::errors(SEQEND_NOT_IN_SEQ)]

test yaml-1.3 "error" -body {
    set error3 {
- Clark 
- @Brian 
    set code [catch {yaml::yaml2dict $error3} msg]
    concat $code $msg
} -result [concat 1 line(4): $::yaml::errors(AT_IN_PLAIN)]

test yaml-1.4 "error" -body {
    set error4 {
- Clark 
- `Brian 
    set code [catch {yaml::yaml2dict $error4} msg]
    concat $code $msg
} -result [concat 1 line(4): $::yaml::errors(BT_IN_PLAIN)]

test yaml-1.5 "error" -body {
    set error5 {
- Clark 
- 	Brian 
    set code [catch {yaml::yaml2dict $error5} msg]
    concat $code $msg
} -result [concat 1 line(4): $::yaml::errors(TAB_IN_PLAIN)]

test yaml-1.6 "error" -body {
    set error6 {
- *a
- Brian 
- @a Geoge
    set code [catch {yaml::yaml2dict $error6} msg]
    concat $code $msg
} -result [concat 1 line(4): $::yaml::errors(ANCHOR_NOT_FOUND)]

test yaml-1.7 "error" -body {
    set error7 {
- "Clark 
- Brian 
    set code [catch {yaml::yaml2dict $error7} msg]
    concat $code $msg
} -result [concat 1 line(3): $::yaml::errors(MALFORM_D_QUOTE)]

test yaml-1.8 "error" -body {
    set error8 {
- 'Clark 
- Brian 
    set code [catch {yaml::yaml2dict $error8} msg]
    concat $code $msg
} -result [concat 1 line(3): $::yaml::errors(MALFORM_S_QUOTE)]

test yaml-1.9 "error" -body {
    set error9 {
- !!invalidtag Clark 
- Brian 
    set code [catch {yaml::yaml2dict $error9} msg]
    concat $code $msg
} -result [concat 1 {line(4): The "!!invalidtag" handle wasn't declared.}]

test yaml-1.10 "error" -body {
    set error10 {
- Clark 
  - Brian 
    set code [catch {yaml::yaml2dict $error10} msg]
    concat $code $msg
} -result [concat 1 line(5): $::yaml::errors(INVALID_MERGE_KEY)]

# -----------
# flow  .....

test yaml-2.1 "flow sequence" -body {
    set inline_seq_seqs {
- [name        , hr, avg  ]
- [Mark McGwire, 65, 0.278]
- [Sammy Sosa  , 63, 0.288]
- [Sammy Sosa2  , 64, 0.388]
    yaml::yaml2dict $inline_seq_seqs
} -result {{name hr avg} {{Mark McGwire} 65 0.278} {{Sammy Sosa} 63 0.288}}

test yaml-2.2 "flow mappings" -body {
    set inline_map_maps {
Mark McGwire: {hr: 65, avg: 0.278}
Sammy Sosa: { hr: 63, avg: 0.288}
    dictsort2 [yaml::yaml2dict $inline_map_maps] {d d}
} -result [dictsort2 {{Mark McGwire} {hr 65 avg 0.278} {Sammy Sosa} {hr 63 avg 0.288}} {d d}]

test yaml-2.3 "flow mappings" -body {
    set inline_map_maps {
? Mark McGwire: {? hr: 65, ? avg: 0.278}
? Sammy Sosa
: {? hr: 63, ? avg: 0.288}
    dictsort2 [yaml::yaml2dict $inline_map_maps] {d d}
} -result [dictsort2 {{Mark McGwire} {hr 65 avg 0.278} {Sammy Sosa} {hr 63 avg 0.288}} {d d}]

# ------------------
# block nodes  .....

test yaml-3.2 "Literal Block Scalar" -body {
    set literal {
clipped: | # comment
    This has one newline.
  # comment

same as "clipped" above: "This has one newline.\n" # comment

stripped: |- # comment
    This has no newline.

same as "stripped" above: "This has no newline." # comment
kept: |+
    This has four newlines.

same as "kept" above: "This has four newlines.\n\n\n\n"
        dictsort2 [yaml::yaml2dict $literal]
} -result [dictsort2 {clipped {This has one newline.
} {same as "clipped" above} {This has one newline.
} stripped {This has no newline.} {same as "stripped" above} {This has no newline.} kept {This has four newlines.

} {same as "kept" above} {This has four newlines.


test yaml-3.3 "Folding Block Scalar" -body {
    set folding {
clipped: >
    has one newline.

same as "clipped" above: "This has one newline.\n" 

stripped: >-
    no newline.

same as "stripped" above: "This has no newline."

kept: >+
    no newline.

same as "kept" above: "This has four newlines.\n\n\n\n"}

    dictsort2 [yaml::yaml2dict $folding]
} -result [dictsort2 {clipped {This has one newline.
} {same as "clipped" above} {This has one newline.
} stripped {This has no newline.} {same as "stripped" above} {This has no newline.} kept {This has no newline.

} {same as "kept" above} {This has four newlines.


test yaml-3.4 "Folded Block as a Mapping Value" -body {
    set foldedmap {
quote: >
    Mark McGwire's
    year was crippled
    by a knee injury.
source: espn
    yaml::yaml2dict $foldedmap
} -result [dict create quote {Mark McGwire's year was crippled by a knee injury.
} source espn]

# -----------------------
# Anchor - Aliaces  .....

test yaml-4.1 "Alias Node" -body {
    set alias {
- &showell Steve
- Clark 
- Brian 
- Oren 
- *showell 
    yaml::yaml2dict $alias
} -result {Steve Clark Brian Oren Steve}

test yaml-4.2 "Alias Node" -body {
    set alias2 {
- &hello 
    Meat: pork 
    Starch: potato 
- banana 
- *hello 
    yaml::yaml2dict $alias2
} -result [list [dict create Meat pork Starch potato] banana [dict create Meat pork Starch potato]]

test yaml-4.3 "Flow Alias Node" -body {
    set alias3 {
- &hello 
    { Meat: &meat pork,
      Starch: potato }
- banana 
- *hello 
- &bye
    [ The last man, children, *meat ]
- habana 
- *bye
    dictsort2 [yaml::yaml2dict $alias3] {{l {0 d 2 d}}}
} -result [dictsort2 {{Meat pork Starch potato} banana {Meat pork Starch potato} {{The last man} children pork} habana {{The last man} children pork}} \
{{l {0 d 2 d}}} ]

# -----------------------
# Plane Characters  .....

test yaml-5.1 "Plane Characters" -body {
    set plane_characters {
# Outside flow collection:
- ::std::vector
- Up, up and away!
- -123
# Inside flow collection:
- [ ::std::vector,
  "Up, up and away!",
  -123 ]
    yaml::yaml2dict $plane_characters
} -result {::std::vector {Up, up and away!} -123 {::std::vector {Up, up and away!} -123}}

test yaml-5.2 "boolean" -body {
    set boolean {
    pork   : yes
    beef   : n
    oil    : off
    polytheism : true
    pork   : no
    beef   : y
    oil    : on
    polytheism : false
    dictsort2 [yaml::yaml2dict $boolean] {d d}
} -result [dictsort2 {india {pork 1 beef 0 oil 0 polytheism 1} arabia {pork 0 beef 1 oil 1 polytheism 0}} {d d}]

if {$::tcl_version < 8.5} {
    test yaml-5.3 "Timestamps" -body {
    set timestamps {
- 2001-12-15T02:59:43.1Z
- 2001-12-14t21:59:43.10-05:00
- 2001-12-14 21:59:43.10 -5
- 2001-12-15 2:59:43.10
- 2002-12-14

        yaml::yaml2dict $timestamps
    } -result [list \
            [clock scan "2001-12-15 02:59:43" -gmt 1] \
            [clock scan "+5 hours" -base [clock scan "2001-12-14 21:59:43" -gmt 1]] \
            [clock scan "+5 hours" -base [clock scan "2001-12-14 21:59:43" -gmt 1]] \
            [clock scan "2001-12-15 02:59:43"] \
            [clock scan "2002-12-14"]
} else {
    test yaml-5.3 "Timestamps" -body {
    set timestamps {
- 2001-12-15T02:59:43.1Z
- 2001-12-14t21:59:43.10-05:00
- 2001-12-14 21:59:43.10 -5
- 2001-12-15 2:59:43.10
- 2002-12-14

        yaml::yaml2dict $timestamps
    } -result [list \
            [clock scan "2001-12-15 02:59:43 Z" -format {%Y-%m-%d %k:%M:%S %Z}] \
            [clock scan "2001-12-14 21:59:43 -05:00" -format {%Y-%m-%d %k:%M:%S %Z}] \
            [clock scan "2001-12-14 21:59:43 -05:00" -format {%Y-%m-%d %k:%M:%S %Z}] \
            [clock scan "2001-12-15 02:59:43" -format {%Y-%m-%d %k:%M:%S}] \
            [clock scan "2002-12-14" -format {%Y-%m-%d}]
# {1008385183 1008385183 1008385183 1008352783 1039791600} <- JST

test yaml-5.4 "integer" -body {
    set integers {
- 1
- 1000
- 100,000,000
    yaml::yaml2dict $integers
} -result {1 1000 100000000}

# -----------
# block .....

test yaml-6.1 "block sequences" -body {
    set sequences {
  - Mark McGwire^---
  - Sammy Sosa
  - Sammy Sosa
  - Ken Griffey

    yaml::yaml2dict $sequences
} -result {{{Mark McGwire^---} {Sammy Sosa}} {{Sammy Sosa} {Ken Griffey}}}

test yaml-6.2 "block mapping" -body {
    set mappings {
    given  : Chris
    family : Dumars
    given  : Arnold Berry
    family : Son
    yaml::yaml2dict $mappings
} -result [dict create bill-to [dict create given Chris family Dumars] hello-to [dict create given {Arnold Berry} family Son]]

test yaml-6.3 "block mapping, sequence" -body {
    set map_seqs {
hr: # 1998 hr ranking
  - Mark McGwire
  - Sammy Sosa
  # 1998 rbi ranking
  - Sammy Sosa
  - Ken Griffey
    yaml::yaml2dict $map_seqs
} -result [dict create hr {{Mark McGwire} {Sammy Sosa}} rbi {{Sammy Sosa} {Ken Griffey}}]

test yaml-6.4 "block sequence, mapping" -body {
    set seq_maps {
  name: Mark McGwire
  hr:   65
  avg:  0.278
  name: Sammy Sosa
  hr:   63
  avg:  0.288
    yaml::yaml2dict $seq_maps
} -result [list [dict create name {Mark McGwire} hr 65 avg 0.278] [dict create name {Sammy Sosa} hr 63 avg 0.288]]

test yaml-6.5 "block mapping, noheader" -body {
    set maps {bar:
 fruit: apple
 name: steve
 sport: baseball
    dictsort2 [yaml::yaml2dict $maps] {d d}
} -result [dictsort2 {bar {sport baseball name steve fruit apple}} {d d}]

test yaml-6.6 "block mapping, with empty" -body {
    set maps {foo:
some: value
    dictsort2 [yaml::yaml2dict $maps] {d}
} -result [dictsort2 {foo {} some value} {d}]

test yaml-6.7 "block mapping, with empty sequence" -body {
    set maps {foo: []
some: value
    dictsort2 [yaml::yaml2dict $maps] {d}
} -result [dictsort2 {foo {} some value} {d}]

# --------------
# options  .....

test yaml-7.1 "load from file" -body {
    set data [yaml::yaml2dict -file [file join [file dirname [info script]] CHANGES]]
    dict get $data title
} -result {YAML parser for Tcl.}

test yaml-7.2 "load from file" -body {
    yaml::setOptions -file
    set data [yaml::yaml2dict [file join [file dirname [info script]] CHANGES]]
    yaml::setOptions -stream
    dict get $data title
} -result {YAML parser for Tcl.}

# -----------------
# flow nodes  .....

test yaml-8.1 "double quote" -body {
    set dquote {
- "1st non-empty,

   2nd non-empty,
   	3rd non-empty"
    yaml::yaml2dict $dquote
} -result {{1st non-empty,
2nd non-empty, 3rd non-empty}}

test yaml-8.2 "single quote" -body {
    set squote {
- '1st non-empty,

   2nd ''non-empty'',
   	3rd non-empty'

    yaml::yaml2dict $squote
} -result {{1st non-empty,
2nd 'non-empty', 3rd non-empty}}

package require base64
test yaml-9.1 "explicit_tags binary" -body {
    set explicit_tags {
not-date: !!str 2002-04-28
picture: !!binary |


    yaml::yaml2dict $explicit_tags
} -result [dict create not-date 2002-04-28 picture [::base64::decode {

test yaml-9.2 "explicit_tags(inline)" -body {
    set explicit_tags {
{not-date: !!str 2002-04-28,
 picture: !!binary

    dictsort2 [yaml::yaml2dict $explicit_tags]
} -result [dictsort2 [list not-date 2002-04-28 picture [::base64::decode {
} ]] ]

test yaml-10.1 "Merge key" -body {
    set merge1 {
  name: Joe
  job: Accountant
    age: 38
    dictsort2 [yaml::yaml2dict $merge1] {d d}
} -result [dictsort2 {mapping {name Joe job Accountant age 38}} {d d}]

test yaml-10.2 "Merge key 2" -body {
    set merge2 {
- &CENTER { x: 1, y: 2 }
- &LEFT { x: 0, y: 2 }
- &BIG { r: "spaced string" }
- &SMALL { r: 1 }

# All the following maps are equal:

- # Explicit keys
  x: 1
  y: 2
  r: 10
  label: base

- # Merge one map
  << : *CENTER
  r: 10
  label: center

- # Merge multiple maps
  << : [ *CENTER, *BIG ]
  label: center/big

- # Override
  << : [ *BIG, *LEFT, *SMALL ]
  x: 1
  label: big/left/small
    yaml::yaml2dict $merge2
} -result [list {x 1 y 2} {x 0 y 2} {r {spaced string}} {r 1} \
            [dict create x 1 y 2 r 10 label base] \
            [dict create x 1 y 2 r 10 label center] \
            [dict create x 1 y 2 r {spaced string} label center/big] \
            [dict create r 1 x 1 y 2 label big/left/small]]

test yaml-11.1 "Invoice" -body {
    set Invoice {
--- # !<tag:clarkevans.com,2002:invoice>
invoice: 34843
date   : 2001-01-23
bill-to: &id001
    given  : Chris
    family : Dumars
        lines: |
            458 Walkman Dr.
            Suite #292
        city    : Royal Oak
        state   : MI
        postal  : 48046
ship-to: *id001
    - sku         : BL394D
      quantity    : 4
      description : Basketball
      price       : 450.00
    - sku         : BL4438H
      quantity    : 1
      description : Super Hoop
      price       : 2392.00
tax  : 251.42
total: 4443.52
    Late afternoon is best.
    Backup contact is Nancy
    Billsmer @ 338-4338.
    dictsort2 [yaml::yaml2dict $Invoice] {{d {bill-to {{d {address d}}} ship-to {{d {address d}}} product {l d}}}}
} -result [dictsort2 [string map [list TIMESTAMP [clock scan "2001-01-23"]] \
[dict create invoice 34843 date TIMESTAMP bill-to [dict create given Chris family Dumars address [dict create lines {458 Walkman Dr.
Suite #292
} city {Royal Oak} state MI postal 48046]] ship-to [dict create given Chris family Dumars address [dict create lines {458 Walkman Dr.
Suite #292
} city {Royal Oak} state MI postal 48046]] product [list [dict create sku BL394D quantity 4 description Basketball price 450.00] [dict create sku BL4438H quantity 1 description {Super Hoop} price 2392.00]] tax 251.42 total 4443.52 comments {Late afternoon is best. Backup contact is Nancy Billsmer @ 338-4338.}] ] \
{{d {bill-to {{d {address d}}} ship-to {{d {address d}}} product {l d}}}}]

# --------------
# dumping  .....

test yaml-20.1 "list2yaml" -body {
    set dump1 {
{Mark McGwire} {Sammy Sosa}

    yaml::list2yaml $dump1
} -result {---
- Mark McGwire
- Sammy Sosa

test yaml-20.2 "dict2yaml" -body {
    set dump2 { name {Sammy Sosa} hr 63 avg 0.288 }
    set _before [eval huddle create $dump2]
    set yaml2 [yaml::dict2yaml $dump2]
    set _after [yaml::yaml2dict $yaml2]
    set _after [eval huddle create $_after]
    huddle equal $_before $_after
} -result {1}

test yaml-20.3 "dict2yaml block/flow scalars" -body {
    set dump_scalars [list \
{http://www.activestate.com/Products/activetcl/} \
{This is the core development home for the tcllib standardized Tcl library. This is a set of pure-Tcl extensions that you can use to become even more productive with Tcl. See also the Tcl Foundry that collects information about many Tcl-related SourceForge projects.} \
{tklib: A library of all-Tcl routines for Tk
tclapps: A set of little apps for Tcl or Tk, to be used as examples, or just for fun
tclbench: A benchmarking suite for Tcl and Tk} ]

    yaml::list2yaml $dump_scalars
} -result {---
- >
- >
  This is the core development home for 
  the tcllib standardized Tcl library. 
  This is a set of pure-Tcl extensions 
  that you can use to become even more 
  productive with Tcl. See also the Tcl 
  Foundry that collects information about 
  many Tcl-related SourceForge projects.
- |-
  tklib: A library of all-Tcl routines for Tk
  tclapps: A set of little apps for Tcl or Tk, to be used as examples, or just for fun
  tclbench: A benchmarking suite for Tcl and Tk

test yaml-21.1 "explicit_tags float" -body {
    set y {!!float 123}
    yaml::yaml2dict $y
} -result {123.0}

test yaml-21.2 "explicit_tags float" -body {
    set y {!!float 123.0}
    yaml::yaml2dict $y
} -result {123.0}

test yaml-21.2 "explicit_tags float" -body {
    set y {!!float 123_0}
    yaml::yaml2dict $y
} -returnCodes error -result {expected floating-point number but got "123_0"}

# ... Tests of addStrings ...
#     (Requires introspection of parser state)

if [info exists selfrun] {
} else {