#------------------------------------------------------------- -*- makefile -*- # # Makefile for TBDC Sqlite3 interface # # Basic test and install # nmake /s /nologo /f makefile.vc INSTALLDIR=c:\path\to\installdir TCLDIR=c:\path\to\tcl\source test # nmake /s /nologo /f makefile.vc INSTALLDIR=c:\path\to\installdir TCLDIR=c:\path\to\tcl\source install # # For other build options (debug, static etc.) # See TIP 477 (https://core.tcl-lang.org/tips/doc/trunk/tip/477.md) for # detailed documentation. # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROJECT = tdbcsqlite3 !include "rules-ext.vc" # Pure Tcl extension, no object files PRJ_OBJS = TM_INSTALL_DIR = $(_INSTALLDIR)\tcl$(TCL_MAJOR_VERSION)\$(TCL_MAJOR_VERSION).$(TCL_MINOR_VERSION) $(PROJECT): @echo "This is a pure Tcl module and does not require a build step. Do a nmake install to install" setup: default-setup install: install-tm default-install-docs-n clean: default-clean realclean: hose hose: default-hose distclean: realclean default-distclean $(ROOT)\manifest.uuid: copy $(WIN_DIR)\gitmanifest.in $(ROOT)\manifest.uuid git rev-parse HEAD >>$(ROOT)\manifest.uuid install-tm: $(ROOT)\manifest.uuid @echo Installing 'tdbcsqlite3.tcl' file to '$(TM_INSTALL_DIR)\tdbc\sqlite3-$(DOTVERSION).tm' @if not exist "$(TM_INSTALL_DIR)\tdbc" mkdir "$(TM_INSTALL_DIR)\tdbc" @if exist $(LIBDIR) $(COPY) $(LIBDIR)\tdbcsqlite3.tcl "$(TM_INSTALL_DIR)\tdbc\sqlite3-$(DOTVERSION).tm" @$(COPY) $(ROOT)\manifest.uuid "$(TM_INSTALL_DIR)\tdbc\sqlite3-$(DOTVERSION).uuid" test: default-test shell: default-shell